Wireframe for MLE Platform for Sanitation Service Delivery in Urban Centers
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)

How can we gather better quality data to accurately measure the impact of urban sanitation service delivery?

To accurately assess sanitation service delivery, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation offered a grant to develop an MLE wire-frame. Athena created a custom wire-frame for an integrated MLE platform and road-map for implementation and institutionalization in the fecal sludge management space. In addition to this, the wire-frame takes a "user-centric" approach to measurement and learning. It focuses on questions such as: What are the basic minimum set of criteria that all stakeholders participating in the FSM ecosystem must attempt to measure? It also asks, What are the defining standards and cost effective (lean) data collection protocols?, and What are the entry points for institutionalization and peer learning?

Image Source: CS Sharada Prasad / sharadaprasad.com